Earthworm species. A searchable database*
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This database is continuously updated but far not complete and naturally contains many mistakes. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

Last updated 26. March, 2020

Dear collegues, as the access to the zoological literature is frequently difficult please send your publised papers - preferably in PDF - to the following address: csuzdi.csaba -- alef ---

If you are using this database please cite: Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) Earthworm species, a searchable database. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 43(1): 97-99

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Found: 756
Megascolecidae Pheretima monticola Ishizuka K. 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series a (Zoology)p. 191 Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima invisa Ishizuka K. 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series a (Zoology)p. 189 Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima nubicola Ishizuka K. 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series a (Zoology)p. 180 Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima mutabilis Ishizuka K. 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series a (Zoology)p. 179 Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ellipticus Ishizuka 1999 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series A (Zoology) p.237 Amynthas ellipticus - Blakemore 2003
Megascolecidae Pheretima umbrosa Ishizuka K. 2000 Bulletin of the National Science Museum series a (Zoology) p.187 Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta tricystis Perrier 1877 Bull.Soc.Zool.Fr.2:243. Amynthas gracilis - Brown et al. 2006:340
Megascolecidae Pheretima indica cameroni Stephenson 1932 Bull.Raffles Mus.7:47. Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima flustrella Gates 1949 Bull.Raffles Mus.19:19. Amynthas flustrellus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima procera Gates 1937 Bull.Raffles Mus.13:193. Amynthas procerus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima eluta Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:99. Amynthas elutus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima sigillata Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:115. Amynthas sigillatus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima serena Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:113. Amynthas serenus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rutila Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:111. Amynthas rutilus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rubella Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:108. Amynthas rubellus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rallida Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:106. Amynthas rallidus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ralla Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:104. Amynthas rallus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima miniata Gates 1936 Bull.Raffles Mus.12:101. Amynthas miniatus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima principalis Michaelsen 1932 Bull.Mus.Hist.Nat.Belg.8(32):1. Amynthas principalis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima humilis Gates 1942 Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool.98:120. Amynthas minimus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima bifida Gates 1937 Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool.80:310. Amynthas bifidus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima copulata Gates 1937 Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool.80(7):31. Amynthas copulatus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima directa Chen 1935 Bull.Fn.Mem.Inst.Biol.6:47. Amynthas directus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ultoria Chen 1935 Bull.Fan.Mem.Inst.Biol.6:42. Amynthas ultorius - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima sheni Chen 1935 Bull.Fan.Mem.Inst.Biol.6:38. Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas siam Blakemore 2011 Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Ser A 37: 9 Amynthas siam NMST-An 422, THNMH-An-06337 -
Megascolecidae Amynthas kume Blakemore 2022 Bull Kanagawa Pref Mus 51:95 Amynthas kume LBM FY2015-11-1 - PDF
Megascolecidae Megascolex (Promegascolex) mekongianus Cognetti 1922 Boll.Mus.Torino 37(744):3. Amynthas mekongianus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima colossus Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):6. Amynthas colossus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima omtrekensis Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):3. Amynthas omtrekensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima cyclops Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):1. Amynthas cyclops - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rechingeri Cognetti 1909 Boll.Mus.Torino 24(604):1. Amynthas rechingeri - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima zavattarii Cognetti 1909 Boll.Mus.Torino 24(604):1. Amynthas zavaratti - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima setosa Cognetti 1908 Boll.Mus.Torino 23(577):1. Amynthas setosus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima silvestrii Cognetti 1909 Boll.Lab.Zool.Portici 3:266. Amynthas silvestrii - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima modesta Michaelsen 1927 Boll.Lab.Zool.Portici 21:88. Amynthas modestus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima choeina Michaelsen 1927 Boll.Lab.Zool.Portici 21:85. Amynthas choeinus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas omeimontis kinabalu Sims & Easton 1972 Biol.J.Linn.Soc.4(3):259. Amynthas omeimontis kinabalu - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima schraderi Gates 1970 Aust.Zool.15:388. Amynthas schrader - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima kaironkensis Gates 1970 Aust.Zool.15:387. Amynthas kaironkensis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sladeni Lee 1981 Aust.J.Zool.29(4):547. Amynthas sladeni - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas eltoni Lee 1981 Aust.J.Zool.29(4):546. Amynthas eltoni - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ambigua Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:782. Amynthas ambiguus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima marenzelleri Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:780. Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima habereri Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:777. Amynthas habereri - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta amazonica Rosa 1894 Atti.Acad.Torino 29:14. Amynthas amazonicus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas angtanensis Hong & James 2014 ASED 30:84 Amynthas angtanensis BDNUL 0025 -
Megascolecidae Amynthas vanhi Hong & James 2014 ASED 30:83 Amynthas vanhi BDNUL 0024 -
Megascolecidae Amynthas namhaensis Hong & James 2014 ASED 30:82 Amynthas namhaensis BDNUL 0023 -
Megascolecidae Pheretima polytoreuta Michaelsen 1928 Ark.Zool.20A.(3):27. Amynthas polytoreutus - -
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