Earthworm species. A searchable database*
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This database is continuously updated but far not complete and naturally contains many mistakes. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

Last updated 26. March, 2020

Dear collegues, as the access to the zoological literature is frequently difficult please send your publised papers - preferably in PDF - to the following address: csuzdi.csaba -- alef ---

If you are using this database please cite: Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) Earthworm species, a searchable database. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 43(1): 97-99

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Found: 2523
Megascolecidae Megascolex hendersoni Michaelsen 1907 Jb.Hamb.wiss.Aust.24(2):162. Megascolex hendersoni - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima helvola Ude 1905 Z.wiss.Zool.82:429. Metapheretima neoguinensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima helvola Michaelsen 1934 Arch.Neerl.Zool.1:100. Metaphire honbaensis - Gates 1941:1
Megascolecidae Diporochaeta helophila Benham 1909 Subant.Is.N.Z.1:283. Diporochaeta helophila - -
Megascolecidae Diplotrema helonoma Dyne, G. R. et al 1998 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 42/2/, 29 June 1998:489. Diplotrema helonoma - -
Megascolecidae Perionychella hellyeri Jamieson 1974 Bull.Brit.Mus.Nat.Hist.(Zool) 26(4):238. Diporochaeta hellyeri - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hellwigiana Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:300. Pheretima (Planapheretima) hellwigiana - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas heaneyi S. W. James 2004 The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52(2):306. Amynthas heaneyi - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima heaneyi S. W. James 2004 The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2004. 52(2):293. Pheretima heaneyi - -
Megascolecidae Woodwardia healesi Michaelsen 1924 Vid.Meddel.Nat.Foren.75:227. Woodwardiella healesi - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hawayana lineata Gates 1926 Rec.Ind.Mus.28:154. Amynthas morrisi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta hawayana Rosa 1891 Ann.Mus.Wien 6:396. Amynthas gracilis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas hauyhowensis Hong & James 2014 J. Nat. Hist. 48:252 Amynthas hauyhowensis BDNUL 0017 -
Megascolecidae Metaphire haui Nguyen, Nam, Lam & Nguyen 2020 Raffles Bull Zool 68:223 Metaphire haui CTU-EW.172.h01 - PDF
Megascolecidae Pheretima hatomajimensis Ohfuchi 1957 J.Agric.Sci.Tokyo Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hataii Ohfuchi 1937 Res.Bull.Saito Ho-on Kai Mus.12:13. Metaphire hataii - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides hastatus Stephenson 1915 Mem.Ind.Mus.6:63. Megascolides hastatus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolex hasselti Horst 1883 Notes Leyden Mus.5:190. Planapheretima hasselti - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta hasselti Horst 1885 Midden.Sumatra 4:5. Planapheretima hasselti - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas hasamensis Hong 2011 Rev. suisse Zool. 118:224 Amynthas hasamensis NIBRIV0000224640 -
Megascolecidae Megascolex harveyensis Michaelsen 1907 Fauna Südwest Aust.1(2):211. Megascolex harveyensis - -
Megascolecidae Aporodrilus hartzi Blakemore, R. 2000 Tasmanian earthworms: CD_ROM Monograph, VermEcology, Kippax 2615. Canberra Aporodrilus hartzi - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima harrietensis Stephenson 1925 Rec.Ind.Mus.27:59. Metaphire harrietensis - -
Megascolecidae Notoscolex harenapascuus Blakemore 2000 Records of the Australian Museum p.216 Notoscolex harenapascuus - -
Megascolecidae Plutellus hanyuangensis Zhong 1992 Acta Zootax.Sin.17(3):270. Plutellus hanyuangensis - -
Megascolecidae Hegesipyle hanno Kinberg 1867 Ofv.Akad.Fohr.23:101. Genus dubium - -
Megascolecidae Plutellus hammondi McKey F. 1970 Northwest Sci.44(4):235. Plutellus hammondi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta hamiltoni Fletcher 1887 Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.Wales 2:399. Spenceriella hamiltoni - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hamiguitanensis Aspe & James 2016 Zool Stud 55(8):9 Pheretima hamiguitanensis NMA 4588 -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hamadryades Aspe et al. 2021 J Nat Hist 55:757 Pheretima hamadryades WPU-A012 - PDF
Megascolecidae Megascolides halyi Michaelsen 1899 Zool.Jb.Syst.12:142. Megascolides halyi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmapherae caecilia Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:217. Amynthas halmapherae caecilius - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima halmaherae typica Michaelsen 1900 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:210. Pheretima halmaherae typica - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmaherae kauensis Michaelsen 1898 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:220. Amynthas halmaherae kauensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima halmaherae imparicystis Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:216. Amynthas halmaherae imparicystis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmaherae gamsungi Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:218. Amynthas halmaherae gamsungi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmaherae galelensis Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.23:221. Amynthas halmaherae galelensis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmaherae batjanensis Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckb.Ges.23:215. Amynthas halmaherae batjanensis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta halmaherae Michaelsen 1896 Abh.Senckenb.Ges.24:208. Amynthas halmaherae - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta hallii Spencer 1893 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.5:7. Spenceriella hallii - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas halconensis Yong Hong & S. W. James 2004 Revue Suisse De Zoologie 111(4):736 Amynthas halconensis - -
Megascolecidae Notoscolex hakeaphilus Benham 1949 Trans.Roy.Soc.N.Z.77:346. Notoscolex hakeaphilus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hainanica Chen 1938 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 12:396. Amynthas hainanicus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas haikouensis Qiu & Zhao 2017 Ann Zool 67:222 Amynthas haikouensis HN201504-01A - PDF
Megascolecidae Pheretima hahli Ude 1905 Z.wiss.Zool.82:437. Pheretima hahli - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hagemanni Ude 1925 Zool.Anz.63:104. Amynthas hagemanni - -
Megascolecidae Metaphire haenyeo Blakemore 2013 J spec Res 2(1):36 Metaphire haenyeo NIBR-IV000246445 -
Megascolecidae Pheretima habereri Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:777. Amynthas habereri - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima habbemana Gates 1948 Treubia 19(2):151. Pheretima habbemana - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas gyeryongensis Hong & Kim 2002 Rev. siusse Zool., 109:484 Amynthas gyeryongensis - -
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