Earthworm species. A searchable database*
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This database is continuously updated but far not complete and naturally contains many mistakes. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

Last updated 26. March, 2020

Dear collegues, as the access to the zoological literature is frequently difficult please send your publised papers - preferably in PDF - to the following address: csuzdi.csaba -- alef ---

If you are using this database please cite: Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) Earthworm species, a searchable database. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 43(1): 97-99

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Found: 2523
Megascolecidae Pheretima alkmaarica Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:298. Pheretima (Planapheretima) alkmaarica - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima barbara Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:302. Pheretima (Planapheretima) barbara - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima barbara ambigua Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:302. Pheretima (Planapheretima) barbara ambigua - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima beauforti apotrema Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:297. Pheretima (Planapheretima) beauforti apotrema - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hellwigiana Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:300. Pheretima (Planapheretima) hellwigiana - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima pluviosa Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:300. Pheretima (Planapheretima) pluviosa - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima invisa Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:294. Polypheretima annulata - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima kochii Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:293. Polypheretima annulata - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hendersoniana Cognetti 1914 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(8)13:255. Amynthas hendersonianus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hendersoniana coelogaster Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:352. Amynthas hendersoniana coelogaster - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ardita Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:353. Metapheretima sentanensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima kampeni Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:356. Metapheretima jocchana - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima oinakensis Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:355. Metapheretima oinakensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima gjellerupi Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:358. Metaphire gjellerupi - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima sermowaiana Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:360. Pheretima (Planapheretima) sermowaiana - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima grata Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:362. Polypheretima grata - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima maxima Cognetti 1915 Trans.Zool.Soc.Lond.20:493. Amynthas maximus - -
Megascolecidae Parapheretima utekwana Cognetti 1915 Trans.Zool.Soc.London 20:494. Pheretima (Planapheretima) utekwana - -
Megascolecidae Megascolex (Promegascolex) mekongianus Cognetti 1922 Boll.Mus.Torino 37(744):3. Amynthas mekongianus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ceramensis Cognetti 1922 Boll.Mus.Torino 37(744):1. Pheretima ceramensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima korinchiana Cognetti 1922 Boll.Mus.Torino 37(733):2. Pheretima korinchiana - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima homoeotrocha Cognetti 1912 Nova Guinea 5:546 Amynthas omtrekensis - invalid emendation
Megascolecidae Amynthas binoculatus Chu-Fu,T., Huei-Ping,S., Su-Chen, T. 1999 Journal of the National Taiwan Museum p.41 Amynthas binoculatus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sexpectatus Chu-Fu,T., Huei-Ping,S., Su-Chen, T. 1999 Journal of the National Taiwan Museum p.38 Amynthas sexpectatus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas tayalis Chu-Fu,T., Huei-Ping,S., Su-Chen, T. 1999 Journal of the National Taiwan Museum p.36 Amynthas tayalis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas tungpuensis Chu-Fu,T., Huei-Ping,S., Su-Chen, T. 1999 Journal of the National Taiwan Museum p.34 Amynthas tungpuensis - -
Megascolecidae Metaphire puyuma Chu-Fu,T., Huei-Ping,S., Su-Chen, T. 1999 Journal of the National Taiwan Museum p.42 Metaphire puyuma - -
Megascolecidae Metaphire taiwanensis Chu-Fa Tsai, Su-Chen Tsai, Huei-Ping She 2004 Journal of Natural History Metaphire taiwanensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima myriosetosa Chen & Zhifang 1977 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):175. Metaphire myriosetosa - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima nanula Chen & Yang 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):89. Pheretima nanula - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima areniphila Chen & Hsu 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):91. Pheretima areniphila - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima cruroides Chen & Hsu 1975 Acta.Zool.Sin.21(1):93. Pheretima cruroides - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima heterogens Chen & Hsu 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):90. Pheretima heterogens - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima loti Chen & Hsu 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):93. Pheretima loti - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima medioca Chen & Hsu 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):92. Pheretima medioca - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima tschiliensis kokoan Chen & Fong 1975 Acta Zool.Sin.21(1):94. Pheretima tschiliensis kokoan - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima parva Chen & Zhifang 1977 Acta Zool.Sin.23(1):177. Amynthas parva - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima pedunculata Chen & Zhifang 1977 Acta Zool.Sin.23(1):176. Metaphire pedunculata - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima yunlongensis Chen & Zhifang 1977 Acta Zool.Sin.23(2):176. Amynthas yunlongensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima obscuritopora Chen 1930 Sci.Rept.Nat.cent.Univ.Nanking.1:28. Amynthas obscuritoporus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima kiangsuensis Chen 1930 Sci.Rept.Nat.Cent.Univ.Nanking.1:24. Metaphire tschiliensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima vulgaris Chen 1930 Sci.Rept.Natn.Cent.Univ.Nanking.1:12. Metaphire vulgaris vulgaris - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima vulgaris agricola Chen 1930 Sci.Rept.Nat.Cent.Univ.Nanking 1:18. Metaphire vulgaris agricola - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima corrugata Chen 1931 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sic.Soc.China (Zool.) 7:131. Amynthas corrugatus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima paraglandularis omeimontia Chen 1931 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 7:155. Amynthas omeimontis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima szechuanensis Chen 1931 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 7:160. Amynthas szechuanensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima corrugata kulingiana Chen 1933 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 9:278. Amynthas corrugatus kulingianus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima incongrua Chen 1933 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 9:270. Amynthas incongruus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima leucocirca Chen 1933 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 9:262. Amynthas leucocircus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rockefelleri Chen 1933 Cont.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China (Zool.) 9:238. Amynthas rockefelleri - -
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