Earthworm species. A searchable database*
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This database is continuously updated but far not complete and naturally contains many mistakes. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

Last updated 26. March, 2020

Dear collegues, as the access to the zoological literature is frequently difficult please send your publised papers - preferably in PDF - to the following address: csuzdi.csaba -- alef ---

If you are using this database please cite: Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) Earthworm species, a searchable database. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 43(1): 97-99

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Found: 2523
Megascolecidae Perichaeta longa Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58(1):239. Metaphire longa - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta pulchra Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58(1):233. Metaphire pulchra - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta udekemi Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58(1):240. Metaphire udekemi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta albida Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58:237. Spenceriella tenax - Jamieson 1965
Megascolecidae Perichaeta martensi Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58(1):242. Pheretima martensi - -
Megascolecidae Pleionogaster jagori Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58:247. Pleionogaster horsti - -
Megascolecidae Pleionogaster samariensis Michaelsen 1892 Arch.Naturg.58(1):248. Pleionogaster horsti - -
Megascolecidae Plutellus matsushimensis indicus Michaelsen 1892 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(10)15:106. Plutellus litoralis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta aeliana Rosa 1892 Ann.Mus.Genova (2)32:545. Amynthas aelianus - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta enganensis Rosa 1892 Ann.Mus.Genova (2)32:547 Amynthas enganensis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta enganensis tetra Rosa 1892 Ann.Mus.Genova (2)32:548. Amynthas enganensis tetrus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolex templetonianus Rosa 1892 Boll.Mus.Torino 7:1. Megascolex templetonianus - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta fasciata Rosa 1892 Ann.Mus.Genova (2)32:543. Metaphire fasciata - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus capestris Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.(n.s.) 4:138. Cryptodrilus capestris - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus dubius Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:136. Cryptodrilus dubius - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus frenchi Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:135. Cryptodrilus frenchi - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus gippslandicus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:132. Cryptodrilus gippslandicus - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus intermedius Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:133. Cryptodrilus intermedius - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus lucasi Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:143. Cryptodrilus lucasi - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus macedonensis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:138. Cryptodrilus macedonensis - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus minor Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:144. Cryptodrilus minor - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus narrensis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:142. Cryptodrilus narrensis - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus tanjilensis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:134. Cryptodrilus tanjilensis - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus victoriae Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:139. Cryptodrilus victoriae - -
Megascolecidae Cryptodrilus willsiensis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:140. Cryptodrilus willsiens - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides attenuatus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:155. Megascolides attenuatus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides cameroni Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:144. Megascolides cameroni - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides hulmei Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:147. Megascolides hulmei - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides incertus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:151. Megascolides incertus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides insignis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:146. Megascolides insignis - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides manni Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:149. Megascolides manni - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides manni variabilis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:150. Megascolides manni variabilis - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides obscurus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:148. Megascolides obscurus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides roseus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:153. Megascolides roseus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides sinuosus Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:152. Megascolides sinuosus - -
Megascolecidae Megascolides victoriensis Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.4:151. Megascolides victoriensis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta alsophila Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.5:17. Diporochaeta alsophila - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta copelandi Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.5:2. Diporochaeta copelandi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta dendyi Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.5:12. Perionychella dendyi - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta frenchii Spencer 1892 Proc.Roy.Soc.Vict.5:9. Spenceriella frenchii - -
Megascolecidae Perionyx intermedius Beddard 1893 Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond.1893:689. Perionyx intermedius - -
Megascolecidae Argilophilus marmoratus ornatus Eisen 1893 Zoe 4:253. Argilophilus marmoratus marmoratus - -
Megascolecidae Argilophilus marmoratus papillifer Eisen 1893 Zoe 4:253 Argilophilus marmoratus papillifer - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta minima Horst 1893 Reise Niederl.O.Ind.3:66. Amynthas minimus - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta falcata Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus. 15:316. Metaphire falcata - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta inflata Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus.15:327. Metaphire inflata - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta tenkatei Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus.15:321. Metaphire tenkatei - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta tjibodae Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus.15:326. Metaphire tjibodae - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta variabilis Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus.15:319. Metaphire variabilis - -
Megascolecidae Perichaeta bosschae Horst 1893 Notes Leyden Mus.15:324. Pheretima bosschae - -
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