Earthworm species. A searchable database*
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This database is continuously updated but far not complete and naturally contains many mistakes. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

Last updated 26. March, 2020

Dear collegues, as the access to the zoological literature is frequently difficult please send your publised papers - preferably in PDF - to the following address: csuzdi.csaba -- alef ---

If you are using this database please cite: Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) Earthworm species, a searchable database. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 43(1): 97-99

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Found: 756
Megascolecidae Amynthas juloides Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:53. Amynthas juloides - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas kalaensis Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:68. Amynthas kalaensis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas lohri Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:12. Amynthas lohri - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas lompobatangensis Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:33. Amynthas lompobatangensis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas ocellatus Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:89. Amynthas ocellatus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas padasensis madelinae Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:76. Amynthas padasensis madelinae - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas pulcher Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:16. Amynthas pulcher - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sangirensis chica Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:79. Amynthas sangirensis chica - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sangirensis crassicystis Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:79. Amynthas sangirensis crassicystis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sangirensis typicus Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:77. Amynthas sangirensis typicus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sarasinorum Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:71. Amynthas sarasinorum - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas semifasciatus Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16(1):49. Amynthas semifasciatus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas sieboldi lenzi Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:9. Amynthas sieboldi lenzi - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas stelleri barami Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:41. Amynthas stelleri barami - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas stelleri everetti Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:43. Amynthas stelleri everetti - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas stelleri typicus Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:40. Amynthas stelleri typicus - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas tobaensis Michaelsen 1899 Mitt.Mus.Hamb.16:91. Amynthas tobaensis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas alexandri Beddard 1900 Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond.1900:999. Amynthas alexandri - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas evansi Beddard 1900 Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond.1900:907. Amynthas evansi - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas asiaticus Michaelsen 1900 Ann.Mus.St.-Peterbg.5:224. Amynthas asiaticus - Shen 2018 PDF
Megascolecidae Pheretima burchardi favosa Rosa 1901 Rev.Suisse Zool.9:131. Amynthas burchardi favosus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima picteti Rosa 1901 Rev.Suisse Zool.9:133. Amynthas picteti - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima lauta Ude 1905 Z.wiss.Zool.83:429. Amynthas lautus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima ambigua Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:782. Amynthas ambiguus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima habereri Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:777. Amynthas habereri - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima marenzelleri Cognetti 1906 Atti.Acad.Torino 41:780. Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima andersoni Michaelsen 1907 Jb.Hamb.wiss.Aust.24(2):166. Amynthas andersoni - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima osmastoni Michaelsen 1907 Jb.Hamb.wiss.Aust.24(2):163. Amynthas osmastoni - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima suctoria Michaelsen 1907 Jb.Hamb.wiss.Aust.24(2):165. Amynthas suctorius - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima setosa Cognetti 1908 Boll.Mus.Torino 23(577):1. Amynthas setosus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima rechingeri Cognetti 1909 Boll.Mus.Torino 24(604):1. Amynthas rechingeri - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima silvestrii Cognetti 1909 Boll.Lab.Zool.Portici 3:266. Amynthas silvestrii - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima zavattarii Cognetti 1909 Boll.Mus.Torino 24(604):1. Amynthas zavaratti - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima colossus Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):6. Amynthas colossus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima cyclops Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):1. Amynthas cyclops - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima omtrekensis Cognetti 1911 Boll.Mus.Torino 26(641):3. Amynthas omtrekensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima albobrunnea Beddard 1912 Philipp.J.Sci.(D):7:191. Amynthas albobrunneus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima americanorum Beddard 1912 Philipp.J.Sci.(D) 7:200. Amynthas americanorum - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima orientalis Beddard 1912 Philipp.J.Sci.(D) 7:188. Amynthas orientalis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima pauaiensis Beddard 1912 Philipp.J.Sci.(D)7:194. Amynthas pauaiensis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima sodalis Beddard 1912 Philipp.J.Sci.(D) 7:192. Amynthas sodalis - -
Megascolecidae Amynthas homoeotrochus Cognetti 1912 Nova Guinea 5:546. Amynthas homoeotrochus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima divergens yunnanensis Stephenson 1912 Rec.Ind.Mus.7:274. Amynthas corticis - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima misella Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:291. Amynthas misellus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima misera Cognetti 1913 Nova Guinea 9:292. Amynthas miserus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hendersoniana Cognetti 1914 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(8)13:255. Amynthas hendersonianus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima hendersoniana coelogaster Cognetti 1914 Zool.Jb.Syst.37:352. Amynthas hendersoniana coelogaster - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima lignicola Stephenson 1914 Rec.Ind.Mus.8:399. Amynthas lignicolus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima maxima Cognetti 1915 Trans.Zool.Soc.Lond.20:493. Amynthas maximus - -
Megascolecidae Pheretima enchytraeoides Michaelsen 1916 Ark.Zool.10(9):33. Amynthas minimus - -
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